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Neville Goddard Teachings | Imagination Creates Reality


Imagination creates reality, is one of the famous Neville Goddard teachings that stresses the importance of one's imagination. Neville was a mystic teacher and writer who decoded the Bible with all its esoteric teachings. He taught how thoughts and desires manifest instantly in the non-physical 4D reality, unlike our physical 3D reality where it takes time.

He also teaches the importance of feelings and their role in manifesting our dreams and desires to which he's dedicated a separate book called Feeling Is The Secret, which delves into the nuances of why it's important to feel your dreams come true and not only see but feel your mind's reality manifest. Because, emotion is energy in motion, and when directed towards a purpose, accomplishes it.

God created the Universe and everything in it, and so there's a tiny spark of God in all of creation. God is man, but man is not God. And since there's this creative spark of God that's residing in each one of us, we all do have the ability to create reality. "Your own wonderful human imagination is the actual creative power of God within you. It is your saviour."


If you can imagine it, you can have it. One of my favourite quotations is, "Whatever the mind of man can conceive and bring itself to believe, it can achieve." This proves how important the mind of man is. Through the subconscious mind is how you access the Universal Intelligence. This is how you tap into the Great Universal Mind.

"What you do in imagination is an instantaneous creative act. However, in this 3D world, events appear in a time sequence" Every time you dream/imagine you're planting seeds. And it's just a matter of time, before which you'll realise that your dreams have come to fruition. It was already there in the 4D reality, but it had to take its time to prepare and pave the way before presenting itself in the 3D.

And when you do imagine, always begin with the end in mind. What is your ideal scenario? What is your end game? You have to see it, feel it, touch it, and smell it; use all your senses when going through your ideal scenario like a movie. Do this day in and day out, faithfully hold on to your vision. And then, it's only a matter of time before it becomes your physical reality.


"You must enter the dream as if you were actually there. You must make "then" NOW and make "there" HERE. Let your imagination do the work. "Your imagination will draw all that it needs to make your dream an actual reality." And don't corrupt the seed with doubts for doubt is poison. Each seed will grow and bear fruit in its appointed time.

Stay faithful to the vision and steadily work towards it. Practice your ideal scene being realised daily as soon as you wake up and right before you fall asleep- for these are the times when the information goes directly to the subconscious mind, which is the creative force. Your subconscious is likened to a fertile womb, and the thoughts you think with emotion are likened to seeds.

The seeds get implanted into the fertile womb, which then bears fruit, in due time. "Continue to imagine what you want until you have actually obtained your desire. If it is necessary to take some action, you will be led to do so in a normal, natural manner." Don't force things, and don't try to make happen prematurely what isn't ready to manifest. Let go, and let God.


You create with your consciousness and you manifest in proportion to how evolved your ideology is. The more highly evolved being you are, the more evolved your world will look like; the more base you are, the more base your world will look like. Either way, it's you and I that create our circumstances. And we can change our circumstances by changing our ideology.

Not every thought manifests, it's those thoughts that are continuously chewed upon that are emotionalised and internalised that form beliefs which then manifest in your world as circumstances, events, and situations. Change your thoughts, change your life! This is law, it's impersonal. Use the law to your advantage and you'll see the Universe working for you, instead of against you.

"Whatever is appearing in your world now, although it appears real and an unalterable fact, is a reflection of previous activity in your own consciousness. Therefore, a change in consciousness will reflect that change in the future just as surely as past beliefs reflect the present." Don't accept failure, sickness, or lack of money as your share of the lot.

Reject them and stay true to your vision of the good life. What you accept is what you get. So, affirm your right to good health and wealth, and it will be yours in no time. You cannot allow negative emotions and events to deter you. It's always this or something better. Let the Universe dream a bigger dream for you, and stand back and allow its magic to happen.


The secret to manifesting is to match the frequency of your dream. You've got to live it before you have it. That's the only way to get it! Because, like attracts like, that's the law! Use affirmations using "I AM" statements to bring your dream into physical existence. For, "Whenever I say "I AM, I AM is creating something." For example, "I AM ABUNDANT; I AM HEALTHY", et cetera, et cetera...

When we assume the position of our desires fulfilled, it brings our desires into our world swiftly and without resistance. For it's written in the Bible, to ASK, BELIEVE, and RECIEVE." So, when you ask, believe that you've received it, and it shall be yours according to your faith. Faith is the key here that moves mountains to make your dreams come true.

"Desire is a gift of God." Desire is God's way of speaking to you. The Universe woos you into your life path and helps you on the way to your destiny. It offers all the guidance and help if we only ask. Desire is God's way of speaking you into doing His will. So, be observant of your desires and run with them. For, it's these inspirations and musings that lead you to your destiny.


Now, let's review what we've learnt so far to reaffirm and recollect everything we've read. First, know that you create your reality. Your consciousness, based on where it is on the evolution scale, creates the world you see. Secondly, know your ideal scenario with clarity and specificity. What do you want to create?

Thirdly, believe and know that what you have cooked up in your imagination exists in 4D, and it's only a matter of time before it appears in the 3D physical world. Reaffirm your ideal scene in your mind's eye every day like a movie playing on a TV screen. Fourthly, don't force things or make things happen. Allow the Universe to unfold events naturally.

Only take inspired action and don't try to put a square peg in a round hole. Lastly, be patient, let go of your attachment to the outcome, and know that everything happens for your highest good. Know that everything occurs according to divine order and divine timing. I conclude with this quote, "If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand."

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