The Science Of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles, published in 1910, is a gem of a book, which talks about the importance of having a clear mental picture of the things we want for the attainment of goals. It's prefaced by saying that this book is a practical manual and is not to be treated as a philosophical theory. The author encourages us to form a vivid image in our mind of what we truly want out of life, as he explains how every creation is first initiated in the thought form. So let's get into the details.
"A person can form things in his thought, and by impressing his thought upon formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created"
Most of us are not sure of what we want. When asked about our goals and desires, we are vague about them. Didn't give it any thought, really. In order to be successful in life, we need to have clarity about what we truly want, why we want it (there's always a why) and what are the steps needed to be taken to get what we want.
For the sake of exemplifying, let's say you have decided on a very specific red branded car to buy. Now, wherever you go, you will see the same red car you have decided to purchase.
This is because whatever you focus on expands. It almost feels like the more you focus on what you want, the more you attract those things into your life. But all you really did, was get clear. Zig Ziglar uses the analogy of you planning for a vacay:
you know exactly where you want to go
you calculate the total cost
you submit a letter of permission to take off from work
you book the flight
you book your stay
you pack your clothes and necessities
In the same way:
get clear
This is how you need to live your entire life! You cannot miss your chance of realizing your dreams when you start implementing these steps; there's no stopping you.
"See the things you want as if they were actually around you all the time"
"You don't get what you want, you become what you believe" is a famous statement made by Oprah, which means that you need to believe that you are worthy of whatever you are wanting.
You need to believe in yourself and see yourself already having the things you want and behave in a manner that aligns with that belief. For example, if you are broke and you want to be rich, see yourself as rich; see yourself as affluent; have a positive self-talk and exude confidence.
When you truly believe that you will be rich, you are living that dream in your head everyday. And it's hard to talk yourself down or settle for less.
"No person can rise to his greatest possible height in talent or soul development unless he has plenty of money"
Whether you like wealth or detest it, you need it. You need money to stay healthy, you need money to get education, you need money to support your family.
Organic foods are priced high, some of the best educations are expensive, so to see money as evil is evil in itself.
The more money you have, the more good you can do for others. You could lend to charities/ cancer centres or to any social or environmental cause.
" To become really rich is the noblest aim you can have in life because it includes everything else"
To think of money in a negative way is wrong. Have you ever questioned why some of us think negatively of wealth?
Wealth in itself is neutral. It's neither good nor bad; it's a tool. And it comes down to the individual's choice of whether to use it wisely or not. From your health and wellness to supporting your family to improving the conditions of your community, you need riches.
Some think if the rich get richer it takes away the money from the poor. This kind of thinking is wrong. There's room for everyone. You don't need to compete or take advantage of another to get what you want. You are not competing, you are creating.
" The poor do not need charity. They need inspiration"
The best way to help the poor is to become rich! What does this mean? It means charity is temporary, but inspiring the poor to become rich helps them rise out of their state of constant misery.
So if you want to really help the poor, demonstrate to them that they can get rich, proving it by getting rich yourself.
The only way to reduce poverty is by encouraging the poor to become rich, teaching them how to, and giving them more opportunities. Because everyone has the right to be rich, successful and happy.
To tie it all together, The Science Of Getting Rich is a life principle to live by; a mathematical/ algebraic formula that needs to be put into practice to attain riches and success. It shows you how to get rich by combining clarity of thought form with personal action and about the importance of working from a creative plane and not a competitive one. I recommend that you give the book a read and implement the principles in the book and see for yourself the results it claims to all the readers.
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