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Book Summary | The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind



The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy published in 1963 delves into the concept of the conscious and subconscious minds. This is such a fascinating concept, and if you don't already know, it talks about how the subconscious mind creates reality, has all the solutions, and heals your body. This book teaches you how the mind can help you change your life for the better or the worse. It talks about how habitual thinking and imagery mold, fashion, and create your destiny.

This book could just be the answer to your prayers and the answer to the questions you've been seeking. It will surely shine a light on your darkness and bring awareness to your most unconscious thought and behavioural patterns. When in trouble, the last thing we want to dissect is how we caused it and how we partook in the process of creating it. Nobody wants to admit or look at what we had to do in concocting the misery we are currently swimming in.

Well, turns out we have a lot to do in the creation of our life because the mind creates reality. So, if your life is in a mess, most probably your thought patterns are a mess. Change your thoughts, change your life! Thoughts are things if you don't already know. And if you haven't already watched The Secret ( a movie by Rhonda Byrnes about how the mind works) yet, you probably should, even Oprah suggests you do! There's a reason why what occurs in your life occurs!

"Miracles will happen to you too when you begin using the magic power of your subconscious mind."


"There is a goldmine within you from which you can extract everything you need to live life gloriously, joyously, and abundantly."

Everyone but the sage is looking for all things outside of us, hoping, praying, and wishing that we might find that shiny object, that one little secret that might completely flip our lives for the better. But the sage knows that the secret is you; the goldmine is within you; the solutions to your convoluted situations are within not without.

Your subconscious mind is the genie that you possess that supplies you with infinite wisdom and insight if you know how to use it. Just as the light turns on when you turn the switch on, miracles occur when you learn how to use your subconscious. Impress upon your subconscious what you choose to manifest, and fervently believe that what you asked for will be given.

As you sow, so shall you reap, in the same way, the thoughts you habitually chew upon that become firm beliefs are what you reap in everyday life. Your subconscious is being impressed upon each time you think a thought with a feeling attached to it. And when you continue to rethink these thoughts, they become beliefs which then manifest in real life.

As your subconscious is sensitive and receptive to thoughts, we must learn to think thoughts that are helpful to us and discard thoughts that are not helpful to us. Your thoughts hold creative power and form the outer world that you live in. Thoughts are like seeds, and when they are buried in fertile ground (the subconscious mind), grow into sequoias(everyday physical manifestations).


"You have a mind and you should learn how to use it."

There are two levels of mind- the conscious or rational mind, and the subconscious or irrational mind. You think with your conscious mind, and what you think about habitually goes into your subconscious mind. So, your unconscious thought patterns and response patterns are from the subconscious part of your mind.

The conscious mind is likened to that of a male and the subconscious to that of a female. It's the responsibility of the conscious mind to discern and be vigilant on what thoughts it may entertain. And those continually chewed-upon thoughts that have become internalised and emotionalised go straight into the subconscious mind and plant themselves into its fertile ground like seeds.

Now, the ground does not care as to what seeds you plant, nevertheless, it will give you back the harvest of what you sowed. In the same way, the subconscious mind like a fertile ground does not care what you plant, but will nevertheless, give you in abundance exactly what you planted. This is why it's so important for the conscious mind to always be on guard.

Because, once the subconscious mind accepts an idea, it turns it into a belief that over time grows strong and deep roots. The subconscious runs your day-to-day life based on the beliefs it upholds, so it's absolutely important to understand what beliefs you have, uproot the unwanted beliefs that hold you back, and encourage positive and uplifting beliefs.


"What is impressed in the subconscious is expressed."

Think of the subconscious mind as the all-knowing all-mighty part of you. It has all the answers to your problems and all the solutions you need. It is all you need for good health and well-being. It is a source of endless ideas and inspiration. It gives you endless amounts of energy and stamina for you to go through the day. It's all you need!

The subconscious mind when uprooted of all the weeds and the wrong beliefs, works like a well-oiled machine that never stops. The problem really is you. Fix your subconscious and you fix your life. What thoughts you chew throughout the day every day is the reason why you feel crappy and do dumb stuff. Fix the way you think, and you fix the way you feel and act.

Crappy thoughts lead to crappy feelings that lead to crappy behaviour which in turn leads to a crappy life. Good thoughts lead to good feelings that lead to good behaviour which in turn leads to a good life. The impression of the subconscious mind and its expression in everyday life is always equal and harmonious with one another.

You cannot think right and accidentally end up with a messed up life. "As within so without", the thoughts you think produce the results outside. Your subconscious never sleeps, it works for you day and night based on your belief system. Correct your belief system and you correct your life. "According to your belief, it is done unto you."


"The principle reasons for failure are: lack of confidence and too much effort."

See the end picture and your desired outcome in your mind's eye and stick to it without consideration of the 3D reality. This is how you cause your effect instead of being the victim of your circumstances. You create your reality and you should know how to create a better one, period. By taking charge of your life and being aware of your thoughts, you begin to change your life.

Having a disciplined mind is very crucial because once a thought gets implanted in the subconscious mind, it starts rooting and produces a harvest in due time- be it good or bad. The subconscious is not partial, it's like a mindless ground, nevertheless, it gives you back plenty of what you put in. Garbage in equals garbage out. This is why we should always be on guard of the thoughts we think and learn to discard the ones that are not helping us.

Doubt is poison, once you let doubt seep into your dreams it grows roots so deep and so strong it will uproot your dreams and destroy your life. The way you work with your subconscious is to feel and see your ideal scene vividly and accept that it's yours to take. This unwavering belief that what you want is yours to take is what helps you to realise your desires in the 3D world.

So, look at your current circumstances with all the negatives and positives, and then forget all about it and focus on the solution and your desired reality, then believe with all your heart that it is yours. This is the secret to manifesting your desires. Be aware of your circumstances, focus on what you want, work and feel your way towards it, and have an unwavering faith that what you want is already yours.


"Your thought fused with feeling becomes a subjective belief, and according to your belief is it done unto you."

Your subconscious can be your partner in crime- thick as thieves if you train it well. A successful life is a well-rounded life comprising joy, peace, wealth, love, abundance, and friends and family to share it with. The first step is to find out what you love and then do it. The second step is to specialise in what you love and know more about it than anyone else. The third step is to make sure that the thing you desire can be used for the benefit and uplifting of society.

The Universe helps those who have pure consciousness and makes sure to help you manifest your desires that might ultimately enhance the well-being of society. So make sure whatever it is that you desire positively helps humanity. Immerse yourself in whatever it is that you desire and do it with all your heart, spirit, and mind. Gain inspiration, motivation, and joy from the work you do and love every minute of it, then release attachment to the outcome and leave it up to the Universe to work its magic.

You might manifest your desires or something better, but let go of the grip you have on whatever it is that you desire. Allow the Universe to weave in what's best for you and your life path. Don't get caught up in the details and the process, the Universe knows the bigger picture, and it will work towards your highest good. Having a tight grip on the outcome can actually turn detrimental for you, so let go and let God!

Know that it is God who is the source of all happiness and wealth and love and abundance. It's not your works but God's love that brings you these good gifts, so look towards the one that gives you these good gifts instead of getting caught up in the silliness of daily life. Plan your work, work your plan, then let it go. Let God do his part and bring in what's best for your highest good.


"During sleep, the nobler part of the soul is united by abstraction to our highest nature and becomes a participant in the wisdom and foreknowledge of the gods."

Sleep time is when the healing and reparative process takes place. It's the time when the subconscious can work without the interference of the conscious/analytical mind. The best times to imagine, feel, and affirm your ideal scene are right before you go to sleep and soon after you wake up. These are the time periods when your brain is in the theta wave state, making it ideal to impress your subconscious with your dreams and desires.

"This regular withdrawal from sense evidence and the noise and confusion of everyday living is also a form of sleep, i.e., you become asleep to the world of the senses and alive to the wisdom and power of your subconscious mind."Sleep is the best time to solve mysteries and get wisdom to your daily challenges. This is why sleep is so important. God and the Universe connect with you while you sleep.

The subconscious mind goes to work on your daily life situations and helps you attain your goals and dreams. Any negative habitual thinking patterns can be addressed right before you go to sleep and substituted for positive belief systems. Without the interference of the conscious mind, the subconscious works well and produces miraculous results.

Plant thoughts of wealth, abundance, joy, love, and peace, and your subconscious will make sure to give you back your harvest in plenty. Right before you go to sleep, keep a journal and a pen by the nightstand and request the subconscious to give you clarity regarding a situation. Your answers will come through as dreams ideas, thoughts, concepts, or people affirming you.


"The solution lies within the problem. The answer is in every question."

Habit is the function of the subconscious. Winning and losing in life are merely habits. And the good news is habits can be changed. You can learn new habits that replace the old and not helpful ones. You can unlearn and learn new thoughts and behavioural patterns. All you need is the determination to remove the unhealthy patterns and substitute them with helpful ones.

The law of the subconscious is that of compulsion. It does not like deviations and it does not like change. That's why so many people who lose weight gain it back, because subconsciously they still hold on to that fat. The new body feels unfamiliar and uncomfortable. They feel like an imposter which leads them right back to where and what they once were.

This is because the conscious and the subconscious are at a crossroads and in a conflict stage. Once you fix this, your life will shift for the better. Your life runs smoothly when your conscious and subconscious minds are in harmony with each other. They don't like conflict of interest because that shuts down the mind and body.

That's why it's important to meditate so that the conflicting thoughts and beliefs come up like a bubble and get popped. And then you can fill in with some new thoughts and beliefs that are actually helpful and will propel you. You can glide into your new belief with the help of affirmations, visualisation, and really feeling the outcome you desire.


If there's one thing I learnt from this book it is that the mind is extremely powerful. It can move mountains; it can change the winds and the seas, and it can change your life! That's why it's so important to train and master your mind. It can save you or it can kill you. It's a double-edged sword. When the mind is right and finely tuned, it's like a killa machine.

There's nothing the mind cannot accomplish. All you need is to set your intentions and believe fully in them, and the rest is taken care of. The way to switch your life is by feelings. The subconscious is a puppet to feelings. When you feel strongly about anything it makes an impression on the subconscious.

And based on that impression, the subconscious produces the circumstances, things, and people that make up your world.

Change the impression, change your life! Feel as if you already have what you desire strongly. Feeling is the secret! Feel your way through life. Follow feelings of health, wealth, and vibrance, and your life will be colourful and wholesome. I conclude hoping this one quote sticks in your head, "Whatever the mind of man can conceive and bring itself to believe, it can achieve."

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