SIGNS: The Secret Language Of The Universe by Laura Lynne Jackson is a book about how the Other Side communicates with us and how each of us can cooperate with them and co-create a language of our own that's special and meaningful to us and our loved ones on the Other Side. Now, let me clarify what the Other Side means. The Other Side means the Other World- the invisible but very real spiritual world. And it includes- our loved ones who have crossed over, our guardian angels, and God Energy.
A little about Laura, she's a psychic medium that helps connect people to the Other Side. She's Forever Family Foundation Certified and Windbridge Research Center Certified which researches death and life after death experiences. She's worked with thousands and thousands of people to help be a messenger of the Other Side. Her first book, The Light Between Us was a New York Time bestseller and she's been featured on CBS New York for her work.
Her message is that we follow our highest path and live a life of love and light instead of choosing the lesser path- a life of fear and anger. "We are all connected", she says. So, we must be for one another and help one another for we are ONE. This concept of oneness might be a little tricky to understand for we live in a dual world. But, one day we might appreciate the true meaning of ONENESS- the reality that we are all energetically connected.
"Each of us has a Team Of Light- a group of unseen helpers who work together to guide us to our highest path. The Universe Is Constantly loving and supporting and guiding us, even on our darkest days."
The Swiss psychoanalyst, Carl Jung defined synchronicity as, "A seemingly meaningful coincidence." It's a pattern that occurs unplanned and without you asking for a sign from the Universe. A default sign on the other hand is something that is meaningful and special illuminating the bond between you and the loved one that has crossed. They can be a whole lot of signs that the Other Side uses, the common ones are:
ANIMALS- Butterflies, dragonflies, cats, and deer are some of the common animals that our loved ones choose to come through. "Death ends a life, not a relationship."
REPETITIONS- Seeing repeated numbers on the clock, on the street wherever you go is how the Other Side tries to get our attention and a sign from the Universe saying that they are guiding us.
COSMIC WINKS- Cosmic winks are God Winks that help remind us that the Other Side is always with us guiding, protecting, and helping us through our darkest days.
These are signs that help you make the right decisions in life when you're at crossroads by encouraging you to take the highest path. They can be events, signs, or people that the Other Side uses to reassure you.
DREAMS- Dream visitations from our loved ones that have recently crossed are a real thing. They visit us while we sleep and our tapped into the spirit world that they are there with us and that they are doing well, there's nothing to worry about; all is well.
Whether you believe in it or not dreams are real. During sleep the analytical part of the brain- the frontal lobe shuts off and the body is paralysed. In the REM(rapid eye movement) stage of sleep, which is our dream state, the electrical activity in the brain surges while our body is helplessly paralysed.
This allows you to tap into the spirit realm with zero interference and you get downloads of information from the Universe. Glimpses of unseen reality and our loved ones come through without much effort.
INTUITIVE PULLS- Intuitive pulls are your gut feelings telling you what to do and what not to do. They are your sixth sense that is counterintuitive to your analytical and objective mind.
"We need to remember that our gut will never steer us wrong. It is the Universe steering us and intervening in our lives"
TINY WHISPERS- Those quiet phrases we hear when we clear our minds and quiet ourselves are the Other Side guiding us and helping us out.
This is why meditating every day is so important as it helps quieten the mental chatter and rids of the clutter and chaos of everyday life.
Most of us don't realise that Artists get their inspiration from the Other Side. They have tapped into the spirit world and tapped into the creative frequency where there's a constant stream of ideas and inspiration that flow. Art connects us to the Other Side if we choose to tap into it. Think about the Renaissance when there was a spike in all forms of artistic work from music to sculptures to buildings and paintings- its creation in all its glory.
We are all creators and when we create we tap into our very chore, our DNA, the reason why we are here and thereby we tap into the non-physical dimension where we get inspired and get downloads of information from the Other Side. Think of J.K. Rowling and her amazing story of how she came to write Harry Potter. The entire series came to her in a flash while she was riding a bus from Manchester to London. " Art is always a collaboration, no artist ever works alone. If we choose to tap into this power, we will be rewarded."
"What does manifesting has to do with this book?", you might ask. Well as I said that the Other Side is all about helping us choose the highest path of love and light and helping us live our best lives by dreaming and expanding ourselves. They are all about you living your best life and manifesting all your dreams. And they are more than willing to help you and guide you toward your dreams. But, you need to ASK. They cannot run with things on their own, they need your consent, and they need you to ask them for help. "The Universe will often dream an even bigger dream for you than you did for yourself."
Being a clear vessel for the Other Side to come through is important. Just like how we bathe every day to get rid of the physical mud, we need to clean our energy each day using negative ions. "Negative ions?", you may ask. Yes, negative ions. Negative ions are good for our energy, it's a type of ion created by the addition of an electron. They cleanse off the residual bad energy at the end of each day. Here are some of the things that have high negative ions:
SHOWERS/RAINSTORMS- Bathing and noticing the water running down your body while in a shower or drenching in the rain can feel exhilarating.
TREES (especially PINE TREES)- Trees are living things that exude energy as well.
TRAVEL- Some places have high negative ions than others, and you can feel them. Next time, when you travel notice how you feel at a certain place. If you feel vibrant and fresh, it indicates that the place is infused with good energy.
SMUDGING- Smudging is a practice where we burn dried sage leaves to clear off any residual bad energy. You can get smudge sticks on Amazon if you'd like.
MOVEMENT- Movements such as running, dancing, playing sports, and yoga help move our stuck energy.
FOOD- The food we eat defines us, so it's important that we be conscious of what we put in our mouths each day. Vibrant and healthy fresh foods can increase our electromagnetic field- our aura, while processed foods adulterated with chemicals decrease them. "If we can change what we eat, we can change our energy.
SLEEP- Just as our cellphones run out of battery our bodies run out of energy, and sleep is what helps us recharge. During sleep, our bodies rest and heal and plug into the Other Side.
PRAYER- "Prayer is consciously directing our thoughts to the Other Side." Prayer strengthens our connection to the Other Side because when we pray the Other Side always listens to us and moves on our behalf.
MEDITATION- If prayer is you sending your thoughts to God Energy, meditation is God sending you his thoughts. This is the part where you receive the answers to your prayer and get guidance from him. But it requires you to go into a quiet and truly mindful state where you can get his messages.
"Our lives are all woven together to create the magical experience of life. None of us are alone, solitary, or unimportant. We belong with one another and to another. We are forever connected." Ultimately, we are ONE, we came from ONENESS and we return to ONENESS. The energetic cords tying us to the Other Side show us that we are all one energy but in different forms. And when we leave this dual world of here and there, light and dark, right and wrong, love and hate, we enter into the non-dual world of love and light- of ONENESS.
I end this with a beautiful poem from the book that tells it all. That death is nothing but a change in suit, and that when we cross we are still the same person with the same memories having a different experience.
Death is nothing at all.
It does not count.
I have only slipped away into the next room.
Nothing has happened.
Everything remains exactly as it was.
I am I, and you are you,
and the old life that we lived so fondly together is
untouched, unchanged.
Whatever we were to each other, that we are still.
Call me by the old familiar name.
Speak of me in the easy way which you always used.
Put no difference in your tone.
Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.
Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes that we
enjoyed together.
Play, smile, think of me, pray for me.
Let my name be ever the household word that it always
Let it be spoken without an effort, without the ghost of a
shadow upon it.
Life means all that it ever meant.
It is the same as it ever was.
There is absolute and unbroken continuity.
What is this death but a negligible accident?
Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight?
I am but waiting for you, for an interval,
somewhere very near,
just round the corner.
All is well.
Nothing is hurt; nothing is lost.
One brief moment and all will be as it was before.
How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again!
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