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Book Summary | Mythological Mentalism



Mythological Mentalism is anything but mythology. It talks about mentalism- the way one creates and keeps his reality by the way he thinks. Whether you like it or not, believe it or not, your mind creates reality. Think of it this way, would you date an ex again? No. Why? Because you've outgrown him or her. You changed- not your location, not your career; you changed your mind. Something clicked and you're no longer the same person with the same thinking.

In the same way, when you change your thinking, you will change your career, your location, your friend circle, et cetera. But the old version of you holds on to limitations and ignores possibilities like you have no choice. You live in mental cages like there are no other realities that exist other than the one you're currently living in. How long are you going to defend your reality by holding on oh-so tightly to your problems?

Every time you point at something outside of yourself, you give away your power- the only power you have to change your reality. Instead, think of ways by which you can outgrow and outsmart your current challenges. Do you need more skills? Do you need more money? Do you need more courage? Work on what is requisite for you to make that change and shift your reality. Stop the blame game today. It's not serving you or your future self.

Shape your reality by shaping your perception. Sometimes your circumstances are here to stay for a while. But that does not mean you sulk and do nothing about it. You should start preparing for the future you desire and take steps in that direction. For this, you need to change your outlook. You can tell yourself "This is temporary," "This is training me and forging me through the hot fire so that I come out as a diamond."

You can use this time of trial to work on yourself and your habits. So, when the storms have passed and opportunities knock on your door, you're ready instead of clueless.


Mentalism is an art of its own. Knowing what thoughts to discard and what thoughts to chew upon is a skill. Being aware and mindful of your thought patterns is key here. Your mind like a child needs to be monitored. You need to keep track of what's going on and set parameters. You tell your mind when it starts to chew on toxic thoughts to replace them with positive solution-seeking thought patterns. Tell yourself that you're so lucky and that you have the best life when it's about to have a mental breakdown.

Your brain will not heed anyone but you. This monstrous creature does not tone down to anyone but you. Analogous to a dog and its dog owner, the large size German Shepherd with all its force and power will surrender to the command of its Master because he loves, shelters, and provides for it. And the way you train your dog is the way you train your mind. If it's out of whack and unruly, it's your fault.


You are making decisions all day every day. Don't believe me? Your decision to not take a decision is intentional. Your decision to avoid or overlook a problem and not tackle it is an intention. Your decision to be nicer, work faster, and stress lesser is intentional. Day in and day out you are being intentional. You are so unconscious that your mind is running on autopilot- your default thought and behavioural patterns. The moment you change your intentions is the moment you change your reality.


What story are you telling yourself? The one on why you're failing miserably in this dance of life. Does it involve your parents, your spouse, your boss, or the economy? Whatever you point at is what's holding you back. Why? Because you voluntarily chose to give away your power to it. You could take responsibility and hold the power to change your undesired reality to your desired mind's reality, but instead, you chose to give it away.

You said "This happened to me; I feel helpless; I can't do it; I don't have the skills" et cetera. Why don't you flip your personal narrative to suit your desires and your future self? Henceforth, change your negative story to a positive one, saying "This happened to me that's why I'm so strong; this challenge helped me acquire these skills; and this setback helped me propel."


How do you view yourself and your reality? Is it helping you? Or is it making you hopeless? Are you squandering your gifts by limiting yourself? Are your beliefs propelling you or pulling you backward? Are your thought patterns energising you or draining you? "Mental filters affect the way you think, talk, feel, and act." Your mental filter is the shade you wear through which you view everything. There's no such thing as "reality." All there is- is perception.

It's time you make alterations to your perceptions to serve you and not hinder you. The saying goes "You can take the kid out of the country, but you cannot take the country out of the kid." Always "read the situation in a way where you remain in control."


We have two sides to our brain- the intellectual brain and the emotional brain. Although it makes perfect sense to follow the intellectual brain, ninety-plus percent of the time we follow the emotional brain. I'm not saying emotions are bad and I'm not telling you to stop being emotional. In fact, emotions are a crucial part of our beings; it serves as the router; the GPS for our lives. But to take decisions on something so fickle as a momentary sadness or disappointment is pointless.

Always make decisions based on where you're headed, not where you're at. Know that the dark clouds will part, the rains will stop, and the sun will come out all over again. To decide your habits based on a transitory season is foolish. Come up with useful and helpful habits each time you're faced with a triggering event or memory. Make your brain work for you and not against you by focusing on effective strategies.


No matter how evolved you are when you're triggered you behave like clockwork; a pattern unique to you based on your experiences, perceptions, and the conclusions you come to based on those traumatic events. Let's say you were ridiculed as a child for being dumb. When you grow up and start to function as an adult, you will dread and avoid the word 'dumb' at all costs. So, you overlearn and overachieve with every fiber of your being.

And if anyone dare utter that word oh so casually, it would send you into a frenzy. Why? That's your trigger word. It's unique and specific to you. This is why it's important to learn, heal, and evolve from these past traumas, instead of avoiding them. You need to look at your traumatic events as learning curves and training experiences instead of looking at them as embarrassments and failures.


Results do matter. Because it's telling you what's working or not working for you. To discard that opinion saying "Effort is what's important not the results" is wrong. It's not an opinion in the first place. It's a fact. Results are feedback; a report card showing you to alter or modify your strategies or work habits. And at the end of the day, the world is fickle. It does not care about the effort you've put into a venture or how emotionally you've invested in it.

All it looks for is results. "Have they done it or not?" "Are they successful or not?" It's very binary. It's a yes or no. It does not reward trying. So, keep fine-tuning your work to optimise your results. While it's true that your mind should be focusing on the process and not on the results, results are what guide us to reach the path to success.


In the end, all that matters is whether you've created the life of your dreams or not. Remember it's a creative process, not an "Oops! I stumbled upon this." Your mind's reality has to be strategically planned and executed. You've got to learn to use your past to get through hurdles, instead of allowing it to hold you back. You've got to learn from your mistakes instead of sulking over them. Have the right mindset, the right beliefs, and the right habits, and you'll achieve all that you set out to achieve.

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