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Book Summary | Mind Reality



Have you ever wondered what creates reality? Does how we see everything determine reality or do we see and perceive things because of the way they exist? Quite tricky right?! Each individual's reality seems different. For some reality is all about striving and that's how they look at life. For some reality is heaven on earth. They love their life and cherish the moments. Some live in the past. It's like they're frozen in time. Some are anxious about the future and others are battling daily problems day in and day out.

The book Mind Reality- The Universe Is Mental by Enoch Tan will widen your view of reality and broaden your perspective. It shows you that reality is what you choose it to be i.e., what we choose to observe, exists. For instance, radiowaves cannot be seen or felt till you prove their existence by observing them. Does God exist? Not until you observe it. There are many things that we don't see, feel, or can touch, but that does not discount their existence.

The probabilities and possibilities are endless in the quantum field. And you choose your reality. Happiness, fulfillment, and contentment are a reality for some of us, while loneliness, discontentment, and sorrow make up the reality for the rest of us. Why? No, life didn't play you and you were not dealt a bad hand. You may say that "That's not true. Some people have got it easy." Well yes, if you look at it that way.

You don't get to change where you were born, the family you were born into, and the economical times during which you were born. But, everyone gets to decide what they do with it. You can be born into a rich family and yet end up broke, or you may have been born in a crisis and yet manage to make it in life. The difference? You choose your reality. You chose what you wanted to do with your life. You knew the existence of multiple possibilities you have in the quantum field on an unconscious level.

You knew if you continued with your life the way you have been you would end up broke, fat, and miserable. And you knew if you sacrifice and make the right choices now no matter how hard it might be today, you will reap the rewards. You chose a different reality for yourself. The one where you are wealthy, successful, and content. And you chose to work towards that invisible reality to realise it. Now, to change the course of your life seems effortless and easy, and it is. Yet some argue that life is hard and change is hard. Why?

Here is where the conscious and subconscious mind comes to play. Understanding the importance of your conscious and subconscious mind is critical to make the shift that you so desire. The conscious mind is the man and the subconscious is the woman. The man (conscious) leads the woman(subconscious). The man is the gatekeeper to the woman. If the man is careless the woman will be influenced. For instance, if your conscious mind entertains misery for too long that it forgets it's influencing the innocent subconscious, soon misery is your reality day in and day out.

Because the conscious is constantly impressing the subconscious whether it is aware or not. This is why it's very important for the conscious mind to be vigilant and on guard. Because no matter what you plant in the subconscious, the subconscious goes to work and reaps the rewards. If you entertain poverty, the subconscious will do its best, with all its might to keep you poor. It's innocent. It just wants to help achieve what the conscious mind wants and entertains.

In the same way, if you want to be a winner and you constantly entertain that idea and impress on the subconscious, you're going to be a winner. We can compare the subconscious to the ground. A ground is a ground. It's not good. It's not evil. It's up to you to plant corn or poison ivy. Nevertheless, what you plant is what you get. This is how your mind works. This is the law. You can't change the law, but you can understand it and cooperate with it.


Quantum physics states that something can actually come into existence only when it is observed.

Albert Einstein said "Imagination is more important than knowledge. It is the preview of life's coming attractions." All physical things that we see and touch today were created by a man in the mind as a thought. Mind is the place where all things are concocted. The entire universe with all its creation first originated as a thought in the mind of God. And all things pre-exist in the spiritual realm before being manifested in the physical realm.

Your thoughts are energy and they carry a particular frequency and information. And that's why it's important to be aware of the thoughts you think on a consistent basis. Because your thoughts become your identity and your body becomes the subconscious mind. i.e., when you think sad thoughts you're body follows the mind and starts acting like a sad person- you crouch and stoop and move slowly in general.

Your thoughts create reality when it is a belief. A belief is an emotionalised and internalised thought. Not all thoughts affect reality. It's your beliefs that affect reality. Oprah said it concisely "You become what you believe." Your beliefs about yourself and the power to create your reality are more important than any other skill or talent. Because if you have the right information you can take the right actions to change your reality.


As we know the mind has two counterparts- the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious being male and the subconscious being female. The conscious mind makes the decisions and the subconscious mind follows the decisions. Now don't take offense at this statement saying "Why should women follow men? Are they superior to us?" Masculinity and femininity are dual energies present in both genders. And the elite have the perfect balance between them because success requires harmony between masculine and feminine energies.

Harmony between the conscious and subconscious is a requisite for success in any area. The subconscious complies with the conscious without putting up a fight and helps the conscious accomplish its wants and desires. And anytime there is discord, the conscious is to be blamed. Because as I said the subconscious complies with the conscious on whatever it wants and thinks. It indicates that the conscious mind has failed to do its job by not giving the right instructions and letting its guard slip.


Thoughts are powerful. It's a vehicle for energy. And energy carries information. A vibrant and happy person is stable and constructive because their thoughts are helpful and constructive and a self-destructive person has negative and unstable thoughts. Positive thoughts carry high energy and negative thoughts carry low energy. The higher your vibration the more powerful your magnetic field. So, first, decide what you want, next hold that thought, then rehearse the feeling of having it already.

It's important to focus only on the outcome that you desire and not the obstacles. It's an essential requisite that you stay delusional about your physical reality and focus on the mental picture that you hold in your mind reality. "But why go this far?" you might ask. Well, any manifestation requires you to be this person who is mulish about what they see in the mind and act as if it has already happened. Because the Universe responds to vibration and not to your wants. So if you vibrate like an abundant person, you're tapping into the right frequency and abundance flows to you.


The mind is the most receptive medium to thought wave energy. Your thoughts can influence another person in a positive or negative way. Hence it's important that you influence your loved ones with positive thoughts which augment the right actions they take. God speaks to us through thoughts and ideas. Sometimes you get ideas and thoughts so randomly that it feels like they got downloaded from somewhere. These are not to be ignored because this is one of the ways how God interacts with us.


The hermetic principles are physical laws by which the universe runs. It can be transcended if the Universal mind wills it. Laws cannot be bent for you, but you can work along them if you want success and abundance in all areas of your life.

1. The Principle Of Mentalism: The universe is mental.

2. The Principle Of Correspondence: As above, so below and vice versa.

3. The Principle Of Vibration: Nothing rests, everything moves, and everything vibrates.

4. The Principle Of Polarity: Everything is dual, everything has poles.

5. The Principle Of Rhythm: Everything has its tides; all things rise and fall.

6. The Principle Of Cause And Effect: Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause.

7. The Principle Of Gender: Everything has its masculine and feminine principle.


There are two worlds- the mental or spiritual world which is where everything is CAUSED and the physical or material world where the EFFECTS are seen. The world within creates the world without. The outer world is a reflection of the inner world. It shows you how you think about yourself and your abilities and the world. The outer world is mere feedback to the inner world. But most of us neglect the inner and so focus on the outer. Maybe it's time you and I take inventory of what's working and not working in our lives and reset our beliefs.


The future is created by the thoughts in the mind of man. The stars and cards do not determine your fate but merely reflect your thought energy. When you change your beliefs you change your fate and reality. "When you ask, believe that you have received." If you truly believe in this statement the moment you ask you will go ahead and start preparing because faith without actions is dead. For instance, women if you are expecting a child wouldn't you go ahead and start prepping everything that your child would need?

Or would you say "I don't see my child yet so I will prepare when I see the child?" No right?! Because you believe that birth is inevitable and you start preparing for the child's needs in advance. In the same way, when you ask for your desires immediately go ahead and start preparing as if it's on the way. It's just a matter of time before it shows up at your doorstep.


In the physical plane, things take time to manifest. It goes through a natural progression of events from seed to fruit. But in the quantum world, all growth can be accelerated, warped, or slowed. Everything physical first occurs in the psychic plane after which the right actions are taken to materialise it. All limits are mental. When you unblock yourself by removing all the limiting beliefs you have been conditioned to think and believe as the truth, you will start seeing the results. And you will come to know that truly there is no limit to the power of the mind.

There are so many probabilities and possibilities in the quantum field and there is nothing that you cannot be, do, or have. With the quantum field, the possibilities are limitless. And you get to co-create your reality with The Divine. No matter what you desire ask, believe, prepare to receive, and surrender to the higher will. Human knowledge is limited but divine knowledge is perfect and complete. The Divine Intelligence knows better than you and wants to give the best. And God can dream a bigger dream for you than what you can dream for yourself.


In life some choose to focus on the problems while others focus on the possibilities and outcome they desire. When you look at a field of dandelions what do you see? Do you see weeds or do you see wishes? Are you looking at your problems in a bad light or are you making use of it as a guidelight. Personally I get excited when I have problems because it gives me a drive like no other. And it paves the way and clears the path towards your destiny.

All obstacles lead you to your destiny. This is not something I say to paint a rosy picture to your problems, but a fact. But you need the right perception and outlook and make use of your problems. Because on the way to your goals you will find more adversity than happiness, so you better learn how to make use of the pain and frustration if you ever think of achieving your goals. And if you really think about it desires are born when you face contrasting situations, so really adversity is the first step towards your manifestation.

It's a fuel to your desires and diesel to your dreams. You can focus on your problems or you can focus on your dreams. And I want you to focus on your dreams and take intelligent steps towards it. Don't waste time in bitter quarrel, instead focus on taking intelligent action.


Do you want to feel in control? Do you want to take your power back? Then take 100% responsibility for your life and own your mistakes and your decisions. Spend time and pay attention on yourself and on where you're headed instead of leaking your energy on worrying. Because if you start pointing anything other than yourself, you start victimising yourself and are willingly giving away your power to outside circumstances.

What you are saying is "He did that to me and she said that about me and the economy is not booming." Yes you're perfectly right. Yes you were not dealt with the best of cards. Except for the fact that you can never change your reality by having a victim mentality- feeling so defeated and acting so powerless.


These days everyone is about manifesting. While it's good to realise that you create your reality it's getting a little out of hand. The best way to manifest the best life for you is to ask for what you want, believe that you will recieve, and surrender to higher will. Always ask and follow it with "but not my will but yours be done." Most times your desires are not even yours. It's God's. He wants to express through you.

In your strongest desires, you feel a definite sense of PURPOSE which is undeniable within you.

When you take action on your divine urge, what was once unseen becomes seen. "Desire is power seeking to manifest." We all get inner promptings from time to time, but only some of us heed to it. That urge to move to another city, that divine dissatisfaction that you get at the end of your work day is all God trying to get your attention. So, while it's good to take control of your life always include God and surrender to his will, because he knows more than you do and he sees the end from the beginning.


Apparent reality- is what we see.

True reality- is spirit.

We are not our physical forms, we are more than that-we are a spiritual being in a physical body. And our true identity is light. "Happiness is our natural state." If you understand that you were created in the mind of God as a thought; a manifestation of God's desire- a result of his love for us, you would look at life differently. You are here to co-create with God. The more you are in alignment with God the more you will have success and happiness. And the more you surrender to his will the more effortlessly you will manifest.


To conclude, this is not a woo-woo book and if you think it to be the loss is yours. Most times the solutions to the greatest problems are simple. It does not involve radical transformation but the understanding of the fundamental concepts on how life works. And my intention with each blog post is to reveal the important concepts of each book to help you apply them. Because knowledge is power and though we've heard the statement so many times that we overlook it, it's the truth.

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